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The Convenience Distributors of Oklahoma (CDO) was formed in 1941 to represent the interests of wholesalers, manufacturers and brokers involved in the distribution of convenience products.

Typical products purchased and sold by convenience distributors include candy, tobacco, snacks, beverages, health and beauty care items, general merchandise, foodservice and groceries.

Don't miss the 2025 CDO Conference. Registration is OPEN!

The 2025 CDO Conference, Annual Golf Tournament, and the Oklahoma Food & Beverage Expo (formerly known as OSTS),
is May 4-6, 2025, at the Oklahoma City Convention Center. Visit the Conference page to register and for more information....

Legislative Advocacy: contact your legislators

The CDO team monitors events at the Capitol to protect the interests of convenience product wholesalers, manufacturers and distributors.

Not sure who your elected officials are? Click here to look them up.

Click here to view the Oklahoma Senate members

Click here to view the Oklahoma House members

Who We Are

The Convenience Distributors of Oklahoma (CDO) is a statewide trade association that has represented the wholesale distributors of Oklahoma for 75 years. More than 92 percent of the member wholesale houses are small, family-owned businesses serving their own and neighboring communities in Oklahoma and surrounding states.

In the early days of the association, wholesalers sold primary tobacco and candy products. Today they are widely diversified, offering products such as: dry, refrigerated and frozen groceries; beverages; snack foods; institutional foods; paper products; health and beauty care products; automotive products; and cleaning supplies.

What We Do

Tobacco distributors act as tax collectors for the state of Oklahoma. By affixing the tax stamps, we purchase from the state, to the packages of cigarettes and other tobacco products we sell to the retailer, we collect the excise tax for the state.

The Convenience Distributors of Oklahoma actively monitors legislation at the state capitol, primarily focusing on business issues.

The CDO is actively involved in supporting efforts to prevent youth from purchasing tobacco products.

If you would like to join CDO, click here to submit your application

Contact CDO
P.O. Box 32457
Edmond, OK 73003
Email, Rebecca Moore, Executive Director